
Friday, September 17, 2021

Back to school

 It's level 2 I'm Back at school we have been back for 7 Days now it feel's weird to be I am happy to be back at school because I get to play with all of my friends at school lock down was quit fun because I get to stay home and school is not long and I get to play fortnite  and roblox with my friends and chat to them.

At school I have been lot's more work than I have been doing in lock down lot's more and been playing with my friends and chatting with them because i have not been to talk with them for a long time and play with them as well.  

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The future 😑

 Hmm i wonder what would the future will look like will there be flying cars or portals that i and all of the other people in the world teleport to one place to another but i and everybody else doesn't know when they will come into the world it would be cool to see one  or something in this world would it be cool but know one know when they will come into the world basically they probably a million years until it comes but some people are hoping to see one but im not you why because what happens when the flying cars crash in the air well lets just say the people that are driving the flying car are probably going to die and it would be a very bad way to die but the flying car might not even be built in this world so let's just keep our fingers crossed for the flying car to not be in our world yeah but people are already trying to make a flying car but not talk about the flying car any more like imagine what the houses will look like  in the future it what be cool to see houses that glow up and all are three stories high amazing right :) happy no not that song :) From jordan