
Friday, September 17, 2021

Back to school

 It's level 2 I'm Back at school we have been back for 7 Days now it feel's weird to be I am happy to be back at school because I get to play with all of my friends at school lock down was quit fun because I get to stay home and school is not long and I get to play fortnite  and roblox with my friends and chat to them.

At school I have been lot's more work than I have been doing in lock down lot's more and been playing with my friends and chatting with them because i have not been to talk with them for a long time and play with them as well.  

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The future 😑

 Hmm i wonder what would the future will look like will there be flying cars or portals that i and all of the other people in the world teleport to one place to another but i and everybody else doesn't know when they will come into the world it would be cool to see one  or something in this world would it be cool but know one know when they will come into the world basically they probably a million years until it comes but some people are hoping to see one but im not you why because what happens when the flying cars crash in the air well lets just say the people that are driving the flying car are probably going to die and it would be a very bad way to die but the flying car might not even be built in this world so let's just keep our fingers crossed for the flying car to not be in our world yeah but people are already trying to make a flying car but not talk about the flying car any more like imagine what the houses will look like  in the future it what be cool to see houses that glow up and all are three stories high amazing right :) happy no not that song :) From jordan

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Today turkey day

 Today I am a turkey.

Once upon a time i got attacked by a Turkey, that's not it!!

So once upon a time there lived a Turkey🦃  that lived on a farm ready to get adopted and then taken to another farm and then get chopped up in to little peace's (😭SAD RIP) no that's not how it gos, so yeah once upon a time there lived a Turkey🦃 yeah and then i said "that it would go to another farm and then get chopped but that is not how it go's, so it lived on a farm and 1 week later and then a person came along said to the owner and then yes the Turkey🦃 heard and then payed and then bring the Turkey🦃 home and got a cage for the Turkey🦃 and then got the turkey🦃 some food and then took him home and then put him in the cage and then the end i am just kidding 😛 yeah and put him in a cage but the next day they didn't care about the Turkey and then the next was the same and the same over and over again so the Turkey had no more of that so he ran a way and then i fund  the Turkey on the side of the road and then i pick it up and tock him home and took good care of him.

🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃THE END  🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃

Monday, August 30, 2021

Murder mistery

 Once upon a time there lived a boy but not just any boy he was the king's son that lived in the castle with his father and his mum and then one night they went out to go to a restaurant but not just any restaurant a very expensive restaurant  and the king was having a meeting with all some people idk basicle his guards but this evolved the fbi the fbi was waiting outside waiting for somebody to make a move 10 seconds later killer made a bad move and then shot the king and the king’s son was so sad that he went in there and then tried to kill the killer with his sword but then he got shot the fbi blasted down the door and then sore owned the killer and then forced him to put the gun down but he did not put the gun down he shot one of the fbi but he had bulletproof vest and then he ran into the darkness and then the ambulance came and then put the kid inside the ambulance and then takes him to the hostible and the mother was very very sad but she was happy that her son was still alive but then her son came back and her son said to her my very said that daddy died and then she laughed and laughed and laughed and then she said i got you now and then stabbed him so many times and then he fled to the ground and then laughed and then she hide the body of the boy in the clawset and then the guard came past and then opened the door to the dead body and then screamed in horror and then said there's blood everywhere and then all of the other guards came so the building was not sore rounded by guards and then she made her escape and then she was never ever seen again 


Sunday, August 29, 2021




Thursday, August 26, 2021

 Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is a group of three waterfalls at the southern end of Niagara Gorge, spanning the border between the province of Ontario in Canada and the state of New York in the United States. The largest of the three is Horseshoe Falls, also known as Canadian Falls, which straddles the international border of the two countries. The smaller American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls lie within the United States. Bridal Veil Falls is separated from Horseshoe Falls by Goat Island and from American


  • The Falls at Niagara are about 12,000 years old.
  • Falls were formed when melting glaciers formed massive fresh-water lakes (the Great Lakes) one of …
  • Currently, Niagara Falls wears its way back another approximately 1 foot/year.
  • The Niagara River flows at approximately 35 miles/hour (56.3 kilometers/hour).

I bet you if you visit you will not regret it. i wish i could go there one day !!

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Lollie Cake

During Lockdown I made lollie cake, its super easy to make and even easier to eat. First I cut the Eskimos into small pieces, then I crushed a packet of malt biscuits so they were fine crumbs, then placed them into a bowl and added the butter and the condensed milk and mixed together, then I spread it onto a tray to mold into a log shape, once I was happy with the shape I poured coconut over it until thickly covered. Then placed into the fridge to set.

It didn't last very long, we had eaten it all by the next morning 👀😂

Guess Who 

1.Bart Simpson                       11. SpongeBob

2.Scooby Doo                         12. The Flintstones (Fred)                        

3. Bugs Bunny                        13. Flanders (The Simpsons)           

4. Pikachu                               14. ?? Pokémon                            

5. Family Guy                          15. ?? Buzz Lightyear                       

6. Dora The Explorer               16. Peppa Pig           

7. Teletubbies (Red One)        17. Daphne (Scooby Doo)        

8. He Man (Masters of the Universe)    18. Mr Crabs (Spongebob)  

         9. South Park                           19. Donald Duck

        10. Popeye Park                        20. Garfield

Friday, July 2, 2021

Japan is cool please read

Kia ora i and my class room are learning to do paragraphs and to do different staff on our Chromebooks and news 🙂 Goodbye

Thursday, May 27, 2021


Konnichiwa, my name Jordan on Tuesday 18th May their was cross country  and the year 5’s went first and the year 6’s went last and I was a year 6 so that sucked so I sat there on the cover and then it was finally, the year 6’s went and I and all of the other year 6’s I then I and all the other year 6’s walk over to the starting line and then 3, 2, 1, go I and all the others went I was trying keep up with Jacob, Jacob was taking very big steps at the start I the key was to jog at the start and if I got tied I pot my hands on my head and I was only on the first lap so I kept going going and going then I was on the 2nd lap I was puffed lots

Tuesday, May 4, 2021


KIA ora, welcome to my Blog I am in year 6 in room 17 I enjoy playing with my friends and my favourite
 sport is soccer.

So far this year it has been amazing.

I hope you enjoy my Blog please comment.